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Hope Springs Eternal

Greetings everyone! Welcome back to another Loo Review: we're so happy you could join us, especially so this week for reasons I'll elaborate shortly.

But first, thanks, once again, for taking time out of your busy schedule to read about something we all experience, but rarely discuss: the restrooms at Disney Parks and Resorts. The blog was born in early January, and it's already closing on 3000 likes on FB, with many more subscribing the the site every day. Your enthusiasm for this topic is both weird and inspiring -- thanks: we wouldn't have it any other way. Please continue to share us with your friends -- the more the merrier in the Loo!

And now, without further Loo-ado, let me introduce our first guest reviewer! Donna Loo-Who contacted us recently, offering to review a restroom that has probably never been visited by most of us at her recent trip. I won't spoil the details, instead allowing her to elaborate. Take it away, Donna!

Anyone who regularly reads the WDW Loo Review is either a total Disney fanatic or is a little crazy (of course, I mean in a good way). Needless to say, I clearly identify as both, so one day I said to myself, why not join the club as a Guest Loo Reviewer. So here’s my first Loo Review.

My family had the opportunity to stay at the Treehouse Villas at Disney’s Saratoga Springs Resort and Spa. These three bedroom villas are elevated 10 feet above ground and feature all of the amenities of home in a lovely secluded, wooded section of Disney between Saratoga Springs and Old Key West.

Treehouse Villa at Disney's Saratoga Springs Resort and Spa

On our first day, we thoroughly explored the room and area around the hotel, and then promptly headed to the pool.

Gateway to the Saratoga Springs Treehouse Villas Pool

The pool was just what was needed after a hectic morning spent traveling. Its area featured the main pool, hot tub, restrooms, life vests, towel station, and tables, chairs, and umbrellas.

One thing we noticed was that if you didn’t have to go before you arrived, you surely would have to go shortly after. With the decorative frogs squirting water into the pool (think of the sound of tinkling water), the soda machines, and the two water fountains, #1 was a sure bet.

Frog Fountains at Saratoga Springs Treehouse Villas Pool

Fountains and Cola:  More Incentive to Use the Loo at Saratoga Springs Treehouse Villas Pool

Now to the important part of this review…the bathrooms. Since I was traveling with family, I had the opportunity to review both the men’s and women’s restrooms. Not that I had really thought about it much, but little did I know, they are an almost exact mirror image of each other. Here are the standard signs depicting green people (notice the woman is wearing a super-person cape).

The women’s loo had one small stall and one ADA compliant stall, and the standard cold steel changing table.

Women's Restroom at Saratoga Springs Treehouse Villas Pool

The men’s loo had one urinal and also one ADA compliant stall and the mirror image cold steel changing table. Both loos were brightly lit and immaculately clean. Here's a shot of the inside of the ADA compliant stall:

ADA Stall, Saratoga Springs Resort Treehouse Villas Pool Restroom

Here's a view of the sink station:

The floors were a nice non-slip slate; though, as a side note, they were floor in the common walkways (I assume that would be standard in any pool area loo).

Tile Floor at Restroom at Saratoga Springs Treehouse Villas Pool

The stalls were a green and brown colored mica (think moss), and the wall tile was highlighted by an inlaid rock border (think creek bed). The theme was a very nice compliment to the woodsy surroundings. Check out the accent strip on the wall:

Wall Accent Strip Saratoga Springs Treehouse Villas Pool Restroom

Here's a closer look at the brown and green mica stall doors and a peek at an adjacent urinal:

Here’s the recap:

WDW Loo Review Recap of Loo in Disney’s Saratoga Springs Resort and Spa Treehouse Villas’ pool area:

Capacity: Small: one ADA compliant stall and one urinal (men’s loo) or one small stall and one ADA compliant stall (women’s loo)

Cleanliness: Immaculate

Theming: Good – very natural textures, embraces the outdoors theme of this resort

Traffic: Light

Changing Station: Yes

Companion Restroom: No

Access: Difficult (not hard to find, but you’ve got to be a guest at Saratoga Springs)

OVERALL RATING: 4/5 urinal wafers

Overall, this was a very nice restroom that was immaculately clean during our visit and nicely themed to match the natural feel of the Treehouse Villas area. If you desire spending time in a relaxing pool/hot tub and having the option to visit a nice loo when nature calls (yes, pun intended), this would be your loo. I would recommend trying this pool’s loo if you are a guest of Saratoga Springs.

Thanks, Donna, for taking the time to submit a guest loo review. Great job! We here at the blog have never used this restroom -- your review has inspired us to add this loo to our list.

By the way, we've been contacted by several readers offering to submit guest reviews, and we love it! If you have a knack for writing, are able to take a photos (and are willing to walk into a restroom at a Disney Park or Resort with your camera) and are interested in submitting a review to the blog, please, don't hesitate to email us for all the details at: We'd love to hear from you!

Have a wonderful week, everyone!

Loo Review Matt

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