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Hoo-hoo! Big Summer Blowout!!

Hoo-hoo, everyone, and welcome back to another thrilling WDW Loo Review! This review has been a long time coming, and we're so excited to share it with you; but, first, we'd like to take a moment to share something else: our gratitude.

Thank you, from the bottom of all of our hearts here at the WDW Loo Review home office, for frequenting this little project of ours. Seriously, we know this is an ... unusual ... blog, and certainly it's not for the casual Disney fan. If you're a return visitor, you know only the hardest hardcore WDW fanatics follow our work. Welcome back: you're right where you belong! If you're new to the website, please, don't scurry away: you might just find yourself among friends! Oh, and if you like what you see here, please, don't forget to toss us a "like" on Facebook and follow us on Twitter. We appreciate your loyalty!

And now, off to Arendelle for this edition of the WDW Loo Review!

Okay, so we're not really going to Arendelle, as much as half the world's little girls would like to believe. We're headed to Epcot's Norway Pavilion (which, in a pinch, seems to work well as a substitute -- ed)! We here at the blog love this pavilion -- and what's not to love? Fans can meet Elsa and Anna, can ride Frozen Ever After, can dine at Akershus AND (our personal favorite) can pick up a snack at Kringla Bakeri Og Kafe (School Bread or Lefse, anyone?)!

Face it, Norway has everything one could want (<cough> except Maelstrom <cough>), including a fabulous set of restrooms!

Norway's pavilion underwent a major revamp -- a Frozenification, if you will -- in 2015/16, seeing a new dark ride, the Anna/Elsa meet and greet at Royal Sommerhus, a revamped gift shop and, of course, new restrooms!

Below is a photo of the exterior of the new restroom area. Notice the arched doorways, the heavy stained wood doors, the cool ceramic shingles. This place is beautiful (and we haven't yet even stepped inside). The men's and companion loo is situated to the right in this photo, the women's is to the left and not pictured.

Notice the ubiquitous stroller in its natural habitat in this area:

Exterior of Norway's Restrooms

Here's another view of the exterior, this of the area just above the women's loo entrance. We love the inclusion of small details like this tiny window and wooden shutter. We also love the hanging lamps in this area!

Another view of the  Norway restrooms exterior, Epcot

Here's a close-up of our guy, and -- hey -- check him out! He's all decked out in his best authentic Norwegian duds and in full color, to boot. Wood features heavily in these loos, the signs notwithstanding. Check out the care that went into crafting this sign's frame along with the hand-painted flowers that adorn it.

Men's Restroom Sign, Norway Pavilion, Epcot

Here's the sign for the women's loo: also ornate and colorful!

Women's Restroom Sign, Norway Pavilion, Epcot

Lastly, here's a close look at the companion loo sign. Overall, these are probably the most colorful, well-themed loo sign's we've yet observed on-property.

Companion Restroom Sign, Norway Pavilion, Epcot

Heading on inside, we're again struck by the elaborate stained wood throughout this area. Check out that pattern above the sink basins! Oh, and speaking of basins, check out the blue which sits in contrast to the various brown hues of the surrounding wood.

Sink Station, Norway Restroom, Epcot

We'll be honest, we anticipated a lot of blue in these loos, figuring the Dept. of Loo Imagineering would make a more blatant nod to the juggernaut that is Frozen. That said, we were pleasantly surprised to see that these restrooms were not styled as though designed by Queen Elsa; rather, hardwoods are the main theme here with icy blue taking a backseat. It looks nice.

Here's a close-up of that cool alternating red/blonde pattern situated above the sinks. Look at the contrasting wood grains here: we love it!

Close up of the wood pattern above the sinks in Norway Pavilion restrooms

Another look at a single sink station: multi-toned woods, icy blue counter and basins, stainless steel fixtures. It is, at first glance, an odd amalgamation of colors, but the scheme quickly grows on you.

Seven white urinals hug one wall here, each separated by brown slate dividers festooned with classic black hinge décor. Notice the blue stall door in the background, sitting in contrast to the stained woods of the floors, walls, ceiling. Again, the blue here is understated -- more of a rare highlight than a main feature. It simply works.

A closer look at that stall door featuring a classic Scandinavian design:

Peeking into the ADA stall, one finds the typical WDW set up: sink, mirror, towel dispenser, toilet and tons of space.

Check out the faux hardwood beneath our feet:

Oh, and don't forget to crane the neck and check out the framed ceiling above:

Here's the famed Norwegian diaper changing station, by the way. Don't let the icy blue color fool you, though: this counter is room temperature for your baby's tushy comfort.

Awww, isn't he/she adorable?

That just about wraps-up our visit to the Norway Pavilion; however, we've got a few shots of the companion restroom. Take a gander at the exterior to the loo:

Oh my! We need a warm hug after peeking in here. It looks like Duke Weaselton had a bad meal at San Angel Inn, making a pit stop here on his way to China. While it's easy to get upset by the sight of this mess, bear in mind it's a family loo: a mother and 5 kids just exited prior to this photo. Kids = Disney World. Messy Restrooms = Kids. Therefore, Walt Disney World = Messy Restrooms.

Looking beyond the mess, however, the companion loo is really nice. Faux hardwood floors, a variety of stained woods on the wall, modern fixtures -- all work to make this companion restroom one of the nicest we've seen.


Capacity: Large (many urinals and stalls, one ADA compliant)

Cleanliness: Tidy. The companion loo had just been defiled prior to our visit, otherwise, this was a spotless facility.

Theming: Nods to classic Scandinavian architecture throughout. You'll be disappointed, however, if you come expecting to find an Olaf-themed urinal.

Changing Station: Yes!

Access: Easy

Overall Rating: 4/5 urinal wafers

Many expressed disappointment last year when, upon visiting these new restrooms, they discovered the facilities were not Frozen-centric (this after Norway underwent heavy Frozenification). That said, we find the restrooms here classically-styled with modern utilities. The light-blue counters are a subtle tie to icy Arendelle, without beating the visitor over the head with "Let It Go". Overall, we'd use these restrooms any day! If you haven't yet had a chance to visit them, please give it a whirl and be sure to let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

Friends, that wraps up another exclusive, in-depth review of a loo on WDW property. We want to once again thank you for joining us, giving up a few minutes of your spare time to relish in a part of the parks we all experience, but rarely ever think about. Pat yourself on the back for being a super-fan of the highest order -- you're among an elite few willing to embrace everything WDW!

Oh, and by the way, during a recent visit on-property, we had the great fortune to make some new friends. Jon and Krysta are husband and wife super fanatics who, like us, have a great passion for all things WDW. A nicer couple of folks we've never met. We had the occasion to chat for hours while camped out for the premiere of Magic Kingdom's new nighttime fireworks extravaganza "Happily Ever After", and we were pleased to learn Jon and Krysta are Disney Vloggers! We've enjoyed reading about and watching them chronicle their many visits to the parks, and we know you will, too. Be sure to check them out (and give them a follow) at Livin' It Disney on Facebook, YouTube and all the other social media outlets! You won't regret it!

Thanks, again, for your patronage, and stay tuned for another exclusive WDW Loo Review!

Until next time, friends: bottoms down and thumbs up!

Loo Review Matt

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