Slue Foot Loo!

Hey friends! Welcome back! We've been gone a spell, but we're willing to bet that you'll soon agree the wait was worth it!!
This edition of the Loo Review finds us wandering the streets of Frontierland, looking for a watering hole. Past Frontier Trading Post, just beyond those Country Bears and their Jamboree, we find ourselves facing Pecos Bill Tall Tale Inn and Cafe.
Pecos Bill's has seen a resurgence in popularity of late: from a completely re-designed, Chipotle-esque menu to the addition of ever popular (and secret) menu items such as Nachos Real Grande, there's a lot to love here; but, what about the loo? Does this watering hole's watering holes live up to expectations?
We'll get to that in a moment, but, before we do, indulge us here at the WDW Loo Review home office the opportunity to thank you for your continued support! We love it when our blog gets hits from friends, old and new alike! We adore our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram followers! You guys are the absolute best! So, thanks, from all of us to all of you; and, remember to keep sharing our site with friends! There's plenty of room here for all to join our Loo Review Crew!
Back to the review:

Just inside Tall Tale Inn & Cafe's entrance, we take a gander at the condiment bar to our right, the ordering lanes to our left. This is a big, busy, loud room -- tons of hustle and bustle. Thankfully, the restrooms are located farther into the saloon at a more subdued location.
Moving deeper into Pecos Bill's, a sign for seating marks the way to the loo as well. We love the decor here, by the way: check out the axe (at one time expertly wielded by none other than Paul Bunyan) mounted above the entrance to the saloon's large seating area.

Moving, unscathed, beyond the overhead axe, a fork in the path forces us to choose. Taking the right path leads us to ample seating options while going left leads us closer to the loo (and a different kind of seating option -- ed).
Here's a look down the leftward route. Check out that entrance ahead, marked by the pink armoire:

We love this little area: the approach to the loo is themed well. Check out the cool patio tile underfoot, the wooden beams above, the adobe walls and ceiling. This section of Tall Tale Inn & Cafe embraces the architecture and interior design of the southwest.
We also love the wall sconces here as well. They cast a warm, orange glow about this low-ceiling-ed, otherwise darkened area, giving visitors the feeling of being on a patio at twilight.

Pivoting to our left, we have a much closer look at the men's loo. Marked by wall sconces and a wide entrance festooned with a "Caballeros" wooden beam, this restroom isn't easy to miss. The walls beyond glow yellow, beckoning the weary traveler and his burgeoning bladder:

Here we see our favorite silhouette, framed by tile, illuminated in the soft orange glow of a nearby lamp:

Moving into the restroom, we get a closer look at those golden walls, accented by a lone terracotta flower pot, faux plant within:

The flower pot is an unusual decoration for WDW restrooms. This isn't something we see very often outside of resort loos -- it's a fairly random thing in the parks. That said, we'll soon discover it ties into the restroom beyond.
Underfoot in this loo is fairly ordinary octagonal patio tile, accentuated periodically by small white squares. Each square holds a painted floral design -- suddenly, that flower at the entrance makes sense, no?

Pivoting left at that flower pot, we move forward toward the loo, but must first make another turn -- this one right -- before entering the loo proper. This is where we first get a glimpse of all that green (Ireland called -- it wants its color back)!

Here's a look at the sink station:

Crazy color combo, yes? Pink, green, tan -- a palate fresh from the 1980's (these colors are eerily similar to those we noted on our review of the Wonders of Life Pavilion Loo). Dated? Yes. Odd? You betcha. Endearing? We think so.
Four white basins are surrounded by a pink countertop. Metal towel and soap dispensers are in abundance. And that green tile: it's everywhere!

Here's a closer look at the accent tiles which run along above the sinks, but also throughout the loo. The astute tileologist will observe the painted patterns here match those accent pieces on the floor.

The size of this loo isn't to be underestimated: it's no tall tale, folks! Nine urinals line one entire wall here -- plenty of space for the likes of Pecos Bill, Paul Bunyan and Babe the Big Blue Ox (editor's note: WDW Loo Review does not endorse the presence of oxen in restrooms).

Five, white-doored stalls -- one ADA compliant -- line the opposite wall:

Here's a peek inside the ADA-compliant stall. It's a little messy (someone was practicing their origami on one of the toilet paper rolls) on this visit. As far as space within, this is a little smaller than the usual ADA stall, though there's still plenty of room for a wheelchair and an assistant.

Here's the sink and vanity within the ADA stall. It's nothing special, but the inclusion of a separate sink for this stall is always a kind gesture.

One of the largest mirrors we've seen on property hangs opposite the stalls. This thing is a spiked monster. Seriously: check out the unusual frame on this thing. It's got teeth! We're not sure how this fits into Frontierland (Chester and Hester would love to have this in the loo at Dinoland, U.S.A. -- ed).

A closer look at that unusual frame:

Lastly, here's a photo of the diaper-changing station. This one's a little blocky, not a long as most. The counter here is unusually deep as well -- no baby's gonna roll off this thing while Dad has his back turned.

Capacity: Room in abundance for cafe guests and those passers by needing to pop in for some quick relief. 9 urinals, 5 stalls (1 ADA compliant)
Cleanliness: Mostly clean on the day of our visit
Theming: Mildly themed after the American Southwest.
Changing Station: Yes!
Companion Loo: No
Access: Easy. Though it's hidden near the restaurant's rear, this loo is a short walk from the streets of Frontierland
Overall Rating: 3/5 Urinal Wafers
Folks, this isn't a bad option for those in need of a loo between Liberty Square and Splash Mountain. It's large, and, because it's tucked within a restaurant, the restroom here isn't as busy as stand-alone loos (such as the one in the nearby breezeway that connects Adventureland and Frontierland). Not as heavily themed as some, but themed more than others, this is a suitable place for the modestly-discerning tush. Give it a go next time and be sure to let us know your thoughts in our comments!
Once again, thank you for visiting the site. Work has taken us away from posting as often as we'd like. We're chatting with Jiminy Cricket, trying to find a way to make our wish of sculpting a career out of reviewing WDW restrooms come true. Until then, though, we appreciate your patience and your patronage!
Until next time: bottoms down and thumbs up!