Top Secret Contemporary Loo
Hi folks! Welcome back to WDW Loo Review and another, world-exclusive review of a restroom at the most magical place on Earth!
If you've never visited our blog before, you're in for a real treat. We're so thankful you've chosen our site over the hundreds of other websites devoted to WDW bathrooms (hundreds ... really? -- ed)! Oh, and if you're a returning visitor, thanks for your continued patronage: it's your enthusiasm for all things Walt Disney World -- including the restrooms -- that really keeps us excited about our little project! You guys are the best!
Where to this week?

Ah, yes, The Contemporary! We love the view from this hotel -- there are few better of Magic Kingdom, especially after sunset! Did you know, that despite offering over 40 reviews of on-property restrooms, we have yet to review a Contemporary loo? It's time we fix this oversight; and, today, we're doing it in grand fashion by visiting a Contemporary Resort bathroom that we venture most have never before seen!
Our review takes us to The Contemporary's third floor -- a level oft not visited save those using the Olympiad Fitness Center or those visiting the hotel's administrative offices. Compared to the grandeur of the hotel's 1st floor (think lobby) or the expansive 2nd floor (think convention center), the third floor is positively claustrophobic.

Ceilings here are low, the hallway narrow, and, with the exception of a few potted plants, there isn't much in the way of decor -- or is there? It would be easy for one to glance down this hallway, and, upon first impression, dismiss the area as void of anything interesting, hopping back onto the elevator to look at the Mary Blair murals on the main concourse. Fear not, though; the tireless loo adventurers on our staff ventured forth, despite this hallway's dated appearance, in search of a restroom worth finding. After all, those using the fitness center (and those in the administrative offices) have to answer nature's call somehow, don't they?
Perhaps the first clue we were onto something was the pop-culture Mickey, framed in stainless steel near this hallway's terminus. It beckoned our reviewers forth, tickling their curiosities.

Here's a closer look at the reason we felt compelled to move deeper into this corridor:

Mickey led us to the hallway's end ... where we discovered another hallway leading to the left and right. Our thirst for knowledge lead us to look farther ...
... first turning left where we found a series of interesting wall hangings:

A collage of textiles and photos of furniture and lamps -- all used in the recent renovation of The Contemporary!
Here's another collection of fabrics, lighting and a floorplan of one of The Contemporary's suites:

We felt more than a little guilty here, peeking behind the curtain at one of WDW's most famous resorts, looking at wall art clearly meant for cast member eyes only; yet, this is the heavy burden our intrepid explorers must carry as they attempt to satiate the insatiable quest for WDW knowledge (alas, the weight of the world was on their shoulders -- ed).
Encountering a set of closed doors at the end of this hallway, we made a 180 degree turn and walked back the way we came. Passing Framed Mickey, we continued farther down the hall, this time in the opposite direction (to Mickey's right).

It appears there's not much to see here. What a utilitarian hall, ripe with unused luggage carts and fire extinguishers. Alas, it appeared as though our search had come to a fruitless end ...
...until this bearded fellow (that's Jesse from The WDW Big Q Podcast, folks!) made an interesting discovery:

Observe this intrepid loo explorer as he eagerly leans into further examine his quarry!
That's right .. we found a women's restroom, hidden deep in the bowels of The Contemporary's third floor. You can see our proud researcher's smiling visage reflected in the polished brass of this door's push panel.

And yet, look at this door: dismissed, rejected and publicly humiliated ... it was more than we could bear. Could it be the restroom beyond reflected the same state of disrepair? Unfortunately, we'll never know: the door was locked by passcode (and we presume only a fortunate few know the way in). Even stranger, this is the only women's loo we found accessible to hotel gym patrons (ladies, if you're working out at The Contemporary and need to go, you'll need to go somewhere else).
Thankfully, we located a men's loo further down the hall:

This door, too, has seen better days. Scuffed and faded with cracked vents, we found ourselves hoping that this door also had a lock on it, fearing the mess that might lay beyond. Thankfully, those fears were unfounded.
Take a look inside:

Just beyond the threshold, there is a small foyer which protects users from the public eye when the restroom door is opened. Already, we get a feel for the decor: lots of creams, browns and squares. It's dated, but it's got charm.
Let's move farther in:

Check this relic out! Burnt orange, brown, tans, creams -- we doubt this loo has seen much change since its initial design in 1971! Three sinks line the wall to our left as we venture forth. Above, utilitarian mirrors skulk. Soap dispensers are available here, but they are mismatched, adding to the kitsch.
Check out the fixtures ... it's a flashback to the 70's/80's!

Burnt orange dividers separate the restrooms two urinals from one another. This isn't a large number of urinals for a WDW restroom; however, we doubt this restroom sees much traffic, making it a more than suitable quantity.

No automatic flush sensors here, folks. This loo is O.G. WDW -- you gotta get your hands dirty to take care of business!
To match the urinals, there are but two stalls here with matching orange walls. No companion loo or complete ADA compliance here. That said, they were clean and wide. Check out the brown rectangles that make up the wall tiles throughout this restroom: they're dated and uninspired. Ordinarily, we'd chide the Loo Imagineers for such a plain choice; however, given that this Loo is a time capsule to The Contemporary's early days, we wouldn't change a thing.

The same can be said for this floor:

We doubt it's seen any change in 47 years. Though it's unimpressive by modern standards, we wouldn't want to change this tile for anything! For all we know, Roy stood on this tile, wearing penny loafers, while using a urinal.
Speaking of kitsch, the ceiling here is quite low. It's a drop ceiling with old, dated tiles. Unimpressive by themselves, but wholly appropriate in the context of the loo.

As we leave this loo and make our way down the hallway back to the elevator bank, we caught a glimpse of this framed photo of WDW's original flagship resort and were reminded that every floor of this hotel is special, including the third one upon which we stood.

Capacity: Small
Cleanliness: Worn but clean
Theming: None
Companion Loo: No
Access: A bit of a pain to get to, but well worth the trip back in time
Overall Rating: 4/5 Urinal Wafers
Folks, this loo is a treasure. It is truly a time capsule, a museum for a time when the most magical place on Earth was in its infancy. That's right: inasmuch as Disneyland is revered as the park where Walt actually walked, this loo likely represents a place of refuge for WDW CEO's and admins for the last 4+ decades. Roy O. and Roy E., Miller, Katzenberg, Eisner, Iger, Chapek -- all of them may have unburdened their bladders and bowels within these very halls. This small, plain, dimly-lit restroom is a veritable shrine to the bodily functions of WDW movers and shakers, folks! We hope it never changes! Though its design is uninspiring, we deem it well worth the trip for those who want to pee where Roy may have peed!
Until next time, friends: bottoms down and thumbs up!
Loo Review Matt