The Outhouse of Boathouse
Welcome back, young and old, to another world-exclusive loo review! For you WDW Loo Review old-timers, you know what's in store for you; however, for those who may be visiting our site for the first time ... oooh, you're in for a real treat! You see, this is the world's only website devoted to in-depth reviews of the restrooms at the most magical place on Earth: Walt Disney World. Hard-hitting journalism at its best, folks! We here at WDW Loo Review take you deep into the bowels of each restroom on-property, carefully scrutinizing each detail, affording you the opportunity to elevate your trip planning to the next level -- and the best part, you don't have to make any ADRs!
Inasmuch as Walt designed It's a Small World to foster a sense of world community, collaboration and collegiality, we've tried to do the same with this blog. Long-time followers well-know that we accept -- nay, encourage -- our friends and fans to submit their own loo reviews. Nothing makes us happier when someone else shares our love for ALL things WDW and decides to submit his/her take on their favorite place to poop.
Segue to friend of the blog, Jesse Bisceglia! Jesse, as many of you may know, is the genius behind The WDW Big Q, an amazing and unique podcast we here at the home office religiously follow. If you've never before listened, please, stop what you're doing right now and check out the latest episode here.
The WDW Big Q, as you'll soon discover, is unlike any WDW-oriented podcast out there. The formula: Jesse and his myriad guests list their top three answers to an always unique, eclectic and hilarious question in each episode. An example, you say? How about Episode 26: Constipated Animatronics (which answers the question, "Which audio animatronics look l ike they're ...not so regular?") or Episode 24: Aerosmith Preshow (which answers the question, "What are the best lines from the Rock 'n Rollercoaster Preshow?").
You're already thinking of your answers to these questions, aren't you? Well, that's the point! Go, take a listen, and find out if your answers match-up to those of Jesse and his guests! Each episode is a riot -- honestly, we find ourselves laughing out loud at this podcast all the time. Listening to The WDW Big Q is an exercise is comedy -- it's good for every WDW fanatics heart!
Jesse previously submitted a guest review of The Coronado Springs Conference Center Loo. It was an instant classic! He returns today with another great submission, and we can't wait to share it with you!
Without further ado, here's Jesse!
Some time ago, I found myself enjoying the fine food at The Boathouse in Disney Springs when a thought occurred to me. Why am I not checking out this bathroom? So, I lied to the people I was eating with and told them I had to “use” the bathroom. Making sure I had my camera, I excitedly started my second guest review.
I apologize for the lack of clarity in some of the pictures, as I am a novice in the art of taking bathroom pictures. I was working from the hip, all the while scared that those passing by would take issue with my actions for some reason. By far the most stressful photo was the ladies room exterior. I felt a bit unsettled as I stood outside the ladies room, camera pointed right at the door. I could not ignore the thought of a woman exiting the bathroom, walking right into my camera’s lense. I could see the Orlando Sentinel headline:
“Peeping Tom forcibly removed from Disney Springs restaurant… claims bogus excuse involving bathroom blog.”
Since then, I have had the great pleasure of witnessing WDW Loo Review’s own Loo Review Matt procure images for a review. What ease! What grace! The casual, yet deliberate use of his camera astounded me. Obviously, I have much to learn (oh, go on! -- ed).
Anyway, on to the bathroom! The entrance entails a nice dimly lit hallway. Enjoy the boat themed pictures on the wall before you head in:

The exterior of the men and women’s doors are fun and lighthearted. It looks like these folks just jumped right off the sun-soaked deck of their party boat. Come in in, bra! The water’s fine!

Once inside the men's loo, we turn starboard, and the decor takes a turn as well. Fun and lighthearted gives way to class and style. Marble sinks, fresh flowers, some kind of mirror in a mirror thing, and great tile work with a cool design on the floor.

Looking down, check out the tile on the floor:

An unexpected highlight was the stalls, which were like actual rooms with big boy doors and everything! Uncomfortable eye contact through stall gaps are a thing of the past in here, sailor!

And oh yes… the fish!! This loo is adorned with fancy, shiny fish! You’ll spot one upon entering, just under some boats on the wall.

You’ll even have a chum gazing at you with on eye while you relieve yourself at a urinal. What luxury!

Not even the little tykes are left out, as a big ol’ whopper hangs just above The Boathouse's unusually small baby changing station:

Thinking back, as I write this review, I believe this loo is still, even now, growing on me: a fine and valuable treasure buried in Disney Springs. I find myself daydreaming about my next visit, as I tip back in my chair and look up at my office’s double ceiling above me with accent lighting:

What’s this? I could never afford an office with a ceiling that nice?? You’re right!! That’s the ceiling in the Boathouse loo!! Wowzers!

As I sail off, I leave you with a Boathouse pro tip: If you are done enjoying the bathroom, head out back to the docks. You will find some super unique boats on display, complete with informational plaques. It’s like a mini museum, and really interesting.
Thank you, Jesse, for another smartly-written review. For those who don't know, this was our first Disney Springs restroom review, and we are honored it was submitted by our friend, Jesse Bisceglia. Please, head on over to The WDW Big Q to discover your next favorite podcast! Be sure to toss him a subscribe via iTunes or your favorite podcast app.
And that, friends, wraps up yet another exclusive restroom review. We are grateful, as always, for your time and interest! Please, be sure to come back soon for our next review! Until then, bottoms down and thumbs up!
Loo Review Matt